The Extension programs in the Department of Plant Pathology are designed to reduce plant disease losses by educating and assisting county Extension agents and producers through the county delivery system. Our Extension programs reach over 15,000 growers each year in more than 200 educational meetings, as well as through many on-farm visits with county agents. The return on investment of state-appropriated funds that support research and extension in the Department of Plant Pathology is typically in the range of $200 to 250 million per year if only the prevention of crop losses due to plant disease throughout the state are considered.
Extension specialists develop programs to provide unbiased educational information on disease management and responsive diagnosis of plant disease to facilitate timely implementation of management recommendations. We offer comprehensive training opportunities and diagnostic support on the wide range of food, feed, fiber and ornamental crops produced in Georgia. In addition, web-based materials and other publications are provided on a timely basis. Extension specialists engage with county agents in the development and implementation of applied field research to continually update and improve disease management recommendations.
Browse our information:
- Plant Pathology Extension Faculty and their commodity responsibilities
- Plant Disease and Nematode Clinics
- Plant Molecular Diagnostic Lab (MDL)
- Educational Materials
- UGA Extension
- UGA Integrated Pest Management