
Faculty Listing

Sudeep Bag
Sudeep Bag Associate Professor- Crop Virology
Plant Pathology
Bochra Amina Bahri
Bochra Amina Bahri Assistant Professor, Turfgrass and Forage Pathology
Plant Pathology Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics (IPBGG)
Soraya Bertioli
Soraya Bertioli Senior Research Scientist
Plant Pathology Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics (IPBGG) Center for Applied Genetic Technologies (CAGT)
Phillip M. Brannen
Phillip M. Brannen Extension Fruit Disease Specialist
Plant Pathology
Timothy Branner Brenneman
Timothy Branner Brenneman Professor, Peanut and Pecan Disease Management
Plant Pathology
Marin Talbot Brewer
Marin Talbot Brewer Professor of Mycology and William Terrell Distinguished Professor
Plant Pathology
James W. Buck
James W. Buck Professor - Diseases of soybean, wheat and ornamentals
Plant Pathology
Intiaz Amin Chowdhury
Intiaz Amin Chowdhury Assistant Professor of Cotton and Vegetable Crop Nematology
Plant Pathology
Anny Chung
Anny Chung Assistant Professor of Plant Ecology
Plant Pathology
Albert K. Culbreath
Albert K. Culbreath Professor, Foliar fungal diseases and Tomato spotted wilt of peanut
Plant Pathology
Jeffrey Dean
Jeffrey Dean Assistant Provost & Campus Director
Campus Director's Office - Griffin Plant Pathology
Bhabesh Dutta
Bhabesh Dutta Professor and Extension Vegetable Disease Specialist
Plant Pathology
Jake Fountain
Jake Fountain Assistant Professor Mycotoxicology & Postharvest Pathology
Plant Pathology
Ganpati Jagdale
Ganpati Jagdale Associate Research Scientist (Nematology)
Plant Pathology
Alejandra Maria Jimenez Madrid
Alejandra Maria Jimenez Madrid Director- Plant Molecular Diagnostic Lab
Plant Pathology
Ruchika Kashyap
Ruchika Kashyap Assistant Professor Urban & Controlled Environment Pathology
Plant Pathology
Brian Howard Kvitko
Brian Howard Kvitko Associate Professor of Molecular Plant Bacteriology
Plant Pathology
Md Sultan Mahmud
Md Sultan Mahmud Assistant Professor of Precision Crop Protection
Plant Pathology
Alfredo Martinez
Alfredo Martinez Professor and Extension Plant Pathologist-Turfgrass, Small Grains, Non-Legume Forages
Plant Pathology
Melissa G Mitchum
Melissa G Mitchum Professor, Plant Nematology
Plant Pathology Center for Applied Genetic Technologies (CAGT) Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics (IPBGG)
Jonathan E. Oliver
Jonathan E. Oliver Associate Professor - Fruit Pathologist
Plant Pathology
Laxmi Pandey
Laxmi Pandey Plant Disease Diagnostician
Plant Pathology
Harald Scherm
Harald Scherm Professor & Department Head
Plant Pathology
Paul Severns
Paul Severns Assistant Professor of Plant Disease Epidemiology
Plant Pathology
Kisha Leigh Shelton
Kisha Leigh Shelton Academic Professional Associate
Plant Pathology
Shavannor M. Smith
Shavannor M. Smith Associate Professor, Molecular Genetics of Host Plant Resistance
Plant Pathology
Miaoying Tian
Miaoying Tian Ji/Georgia Vegetable Industry Distinguished Professorship in Plant Pathology; Associate Professor
Plant Pathology
Ronald R. Walcott
Ronald R. Walcott Professor - Seed Pathology and Bacteriology Research
Plant Pathology
Jean Williams-Woodward
Jean Williams-Woodward Extension Plant Pathologist - Ornamentals, Legume Forages, Hydroponics
Plant Pathology
Li Yang
Li Yang Assistant Professor-Plant Immunity
Plant Pathology