Robert C Kemerait Jr

Professor Plant Pathology
Portrait of Robert C Kemerait Jr
Contact Information 229-386-3512
Mailing Address Tifton, CAES Campus 2360 Rainwater Rd., Horticulture Bldg., Tifton, GA 31793
Shipping Address Tifton, CAES Campus 4604 Research Way, Horticulture Bldg., Tifton, GA 31793

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Portrait of Robert C Kemerait Jr

Academic Background

PhD in plant pathology, Univ of Florida, 2000
BS in chemistry, Univ of Florida, 1989
BS in biology, Davidson College (NC), 1987

Extension Interests and Current Efforts

My Extension and research program is focused on those diseases and plant parasitic nematodes that affect peanuts (Arachis hypogaea), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), soybeans (Glycine max) and corn (Zea mays).  My Extension efforts are devoted to providing timely, research-based recommendations to growers, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents, and consultants for the management of all diseases and plant parasitic nematodes that affect the crops listed above in Georgia and the southeastern United States.  This information is disseminated to our clients through presentations at producer meetings, Extension bulletins, newsletters, and the Internet.  Working with other researchers and Extension specialists at the University of Georgia and colleagues from the agrichemical industry, I have coordinated investigation, development, and implementation of “Peanut Rx,” a risk index program for the management of tomato spotted wilt, leaf spot diseases, southern stem rot, and Rhizoctonia limb rot affecting peanut.  In addition to disease and nematode management recommendations, my program is deeply involved in the national “Soybean Rust  IPM-pipe” sentinel plot monitoring program and the “Southern Corn Rust IPM-pipe” sentinel plot monitoring program (

In addition to Extension activities, a significant portion of my program is devoted to applied research on pathogens of peanut (primarily Cercospora arachidicola, Cercosporidium personatum, Scelrotium rolfsii, Cylindrocladium parsiticum, and Meloidogyne arenaria), fungal diseases of corn (especially Puccinia polysora and Exserohilum turcicum), southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) affecting cotton, soybeans, and corm, and Aspergillus flavus as it affects corn and peanuts.  Research programs include efforts in the laboratory, the greenhouse, and the field.

Finally, I am very interested in international collaboration efforts.  I am currently involved in the Peanut Collaborative Research and Support Program (Peanut CRSP) that is funded by the United States Agency for International Development.  I have worked with indigenous peanut farmers in Guyana, South America, since 2002 and with peasant farmers in Haiti since 2007.  I am also actively involved in the Philippine Phytopathological Society.

More information about Dr. Kemerait

Faculty profile on Experts@UGA


Publications on Google Scholar 
