Society of Aspiring Plant Pathologists (SAPPs)

The purpose of the Society of Aspiring Plant Pathologists shall be to foster interaction and collegiality among students, post-doctoral associates, and faculty in the department of Plant Pathology at the University of Georgia. This organization also aims to improve the quality of graduate and postdoctoral programs in the department and betterment of student teaching as well as professional development.

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Current Officers

President: Walt Sanders

Vice-President: Johnny Chen

Treasurer: Drew Olson

Secretary: Carter Newton

Social Chair: Alexi Dong

Tifton Liaison: Alana Atkinson

Griffin Liaison: Emil Joson

Tifton Vice-President: Bonna Chowdhury

Tifton Social Chair: Carlton Collins

Students grading blueberries for the 2021 Summer Blueberry Sale
thumbnail_lutrell lecture 2022